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Fusion92 is committed to individuals having control over their personal information and to protecting the privacy and interests of our clients. To be clear, as a licensee of national third-party consumer data, please know that:

  • We do not sell, trade or rent your personal information to others. If you place an order with us, it may be necessary to share information with our partners to fulfill your order. We regularly review the privacy policies of our partners and believe them to be trustworthy.
  • We do not collect any consumer information.
  • The data delivered from the products we sell is collected by third-party partners who share our concern for protecting consumer privacy.
    • You may register for the Direct Marketing Association’s DMAchoice service to control the types of mail you receive and to register for various Do Not Contact lists.
    • You may review, edit or remove information collected about you at www.AboutTheData.com.
    • Data usage terms apply to orders to ensure all consumer information is being used appropriately and aligned with direct marketing regulations.

Fusion92 implements its own marketing and communication tools to provide our prospects and customers with relevant information regarding our products, services and research.

  • Website Data Collection: No information collected on this site is made available to any third party. No personal data is collected on this website from consumers. Fusion92 does track and analyze anonymous visitor web activity, including, but not limited to, website pages visited, total traffic and source URLs. Fusion92 has procedures in place to protect the security of information collected on this website.
  • Your Website Experience: We use Google tools for site analysis, personalization and ad retargeting. Control your Google cookie settings by heading to the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Consumer Choice Tool.
  • Email Communication: If you provide your information, such as an email address, to subscribe to Fusion92’s email program or download marketing content, we may use this information to 1) process your request for information; 2) register you to receive our newsletters; and 3) contact you about services and products. Fusion92 is committed to 100% compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (15 U.S.C. 7701, et seq).

If you have any questions about our policy, you may contact us for more information at hello@fusion92.com.