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Crypto for a Cure; Combining Technology and Innovation for Good

Fusion92’s Beckley Develops Cryptocurrency that Supports Charitable Organizations

Pediatric Cancer Awareness month (September) may be coming to a close, but Jacob Beckley’s work to support research in this area continues to forge ahead. Beckley’s great curiosity has led him to pursue a diverse array of projects, often resulting in new ways to get things done. This innovative mindset has led to 14 patented solutions and existed at the core of Fusion92’s marketing innovation business for nearly two decades where Beckley has served as Senior Vice President, Innovation, leading Fusion92’s Innovation and Technology team to innovate and create groundbreaking AdTech and MarTech solutions for some of the largest brands. Curiosity and a chance meeting with a neighbor have now led Beckley down another innovative technology path, one with philanthropic purpose.

Beckley has always had a passion for solving the unsolvable and giving back, and true to this, he launched the Beckley Foundation in 2016, focused on the battle against pediatric cancers. Since its launch, the foundation has raised nearly $1 million for research, support, and awareness of childhood cancers. Beckley’s events Row4aCure and Row4Kids played a significant role in fundraising efforts, along with several local Chicago-area events. The pandemic put a hold on these formerly successful in-person fundraising drives, so in true Beckley form, he creatively pivoted to push fundraising efforts forward.

With deep passion for pediatric cancer research and experience serving clients in the financial industry, FinTech, and blockchain, another lightbulb turned on over the pandemic for Beckley when he learned his neighbor, who he only recently connected with because of the pandemic, had a child with cancer. Through conversations, Beckley also learned they shared an interest in cryptocurrency, sparking them to ask, “Why is there not a cryptocurrency for charity?”. So, Beckley set out to bring cryptocurrency and philanthropy together.

Anytime there is a transaction with cryptocurrency, a fee is taken from the transaction, which keeps the project, or token, active. Beckley determined these transaction fees could be directed towards charities, thus he built the CURE Token, and a new channel for fundraising was born. CURE Token is the first deflationary crypto token built around doing good. The response so far from the crypto community has been positive.

“People are buying tokens for a purpose, not simply to make money like they would in other cryptocurrencies,” said Beckley. “What I’ve found is the people in this community have had good and bad experiences in cryptocurrency, and they are attracted to the CURE Token, as they see the value in supporting something with exponential price growth benefits not just for themselves, but for holders and charities alike.”

So far, there are a little more than 1,000 unique holders of this new cryptocurrency, which equates to a market cap of $300,000. Beckley’s goal is to reach 5,000 unique holders within the next month, pushing CURE Token to a $1 million market cap. Achieving this milestone will elevate the token to a whole new category as it will become listed on primary exchanges, helping its growth and increasing fundraising potential for research providing insight, data, and discoveries for not only pediatric cancers but discoveries that carry through to the adult population, saving and changing lives, communities, and culture.

In true Beckley fashion, he continues to innovate and has set high goals for CURE Token, hoping it will progress to its own network in two to three years, moving from a token to a coin, allowing real utility and ideally becoming a main staple of charity projects.

While Beckley continues to have his foundation in mind, he is thinking globally to develop something that will support the efforts of global charitable organizations beyond his own. Currently, a vast majority of CURE Token holders have no ties to Chicago or the region. Beckley wants to build off this global interest, providing education to onboard people new to the crypto space, in addition to partnering with like-minded organizations seeking to learn more about how the CURE Token can be set-up and sold to benefit their charity.

“The spirit of the CURE initiative is about so much more than my Foundation or pediatric cancer alone. It can help fund cures for many, many things,” said Beckley. “CURE Token is a gateway to global groups, tapping into communities that need any kind of help, offering a new method to provide funding and resources, and ultimately serving as far more than just a token exchange.”

To learn more about the Beckley Foundation and its purpose of finding cures for pediatric cancers, visit www.thebeckleyfoundation.org

To buy a CURE Token, visit www.curetoken.net

To learn more about Fusion92, visit www.fusion92.com

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